Differences, Type of Differences, Diversity, Inequality, Aspects of Diversity, Reasons for differences, Unity in Diversity


People Forming Round by Shoes

Have you ever thought that, why do people living around us are so different? 

These differences may be regional, cultural, based on religion people practice, racial, based on different languages people speak, different food people eat, all short of festivals people celebrate, difference in educational background etc.

Types of Differences

Aspects of Diversity

Some of these differences are natural or since birth or initially people do not have control over it and generally they do not want to change them. These differences are like regional, cultural, religious. These different religious and cultural backgrounds are called "Aspects of Diversity".


Some differences which are not natural and they are created because of unjust distribution of resources among people or when a person does not have resources and opportunities that are available to others. These differences are called as "Inequalities"
Grayscale Photograph of Boy
The caste system is an example of inequality. According to this, a society was divided into different groups depending upon the work that they did and they are supposed to remain in those groups. So if your parents are potter or farmer you could only become a potter or farmer nothing else. This was an "irreversible" system. People could not change in spite of their wishes. And because they were not supposed to change their profession, it was not considered necessary to know or learn anything more than what was needed in the profession. This created a situation of inequality.

Reasons for Differences 

As we have already discussed the reasons for inequality i.e. unjust distribution of resources among people or when a person does not have resources and opportunities that are available to others. Now we will look at reason for cultural, religious, regional diversities.

Mainly history or geography of a place is responsible for diversity.

let us understand how these factors are responsible;

History: a little more than 200 years ago, long before trains, buses, and planes were invented, people used to travel from one part of the world to another in ships, on horses, on camel or on their own feet. they were travelling from one place to another in search of new land to settle in, to trade with others, to escape from war, famines and drought or sometimes because of natural calamities.
After travelling a long distance, once they reached a suitable place they stayed there for a long time. they started building their home at that place. At this place they started doing some activities in the old ways and something according to the tradition of this place. So their language, food, music, religion became mix of the old and new, and because of this intermixing of culture, came something new and different.

Geography: Diversity also come when people adapt their live to the geography of a place. We can understand this by taking simple example of two very different geographical locations like Ladakh and Keral. 

Ladakh is a very cold place or desert with very little vegetation. Here people mainly eat Animal products like milk, butter, meat etc. This place is famous for its Pashmina shawl.
While Keral is a coastal reason in southwest India. Here people mainly depend upon fish and rice. This place is famous for Spices.

Unity in Diversity in India 

This phrase Unity in Diversity was coined by first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in his book The Discovery of India. This unity was also experience at the time of freedom struggle. People of different culture, religion and of different reasons came together to fight against British. they called meeting, together, went to jail together. British thought that they can break this unity because people were so different but they failed. Pundit Nehru said that " Indian unity is not something imposed from out the outside but rather it was something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom was practices and every variety acknowledged and even encouraged". 

Photo Of People Holding Each Other's Hands
